Thank you for visiting us at the NASHiCS Summer Seminar 2024

    You are welcome to explore the offers and resources below

    Positive Approaches to Behaviour - Virtual Classroom Offer

    Maybo's Positive Approaches to Behaviour course will provide you with positive and proactive approaches to managing behaviours of concern based on respect for the individual.

    Virtual Classroom - more info

    Available: 26 June 2024 | 19 August 2024 (plus further sessions to be added)
    Offer: use code NASHICS-PAB-24 for 100% discount for one person.

    Safer De-escalation - Virtual Classroom Offer

    Through an engaging virtual classroom session you will learn de-escalation strategies in order to resolve a difficult situation and achieve a positive and safer outcome while maintaining personal safety.

    Virtual Classroom - more info

    Available: 26 June 2024 | 19 August 2024 (plus further sessions to be added)
    Offer: use code NASHICS-SDE-24 for 100% discount for one person.

    Communicating with People Experiencing a Mental Health Crisis - Virtual Classroom Offer

    This half-day virtual course is designed to equip staff with the knowledge and skills to effectively communicate with people undergoing a mental health crisis.

    Virtual Classroom - more info

    Available: 6 August 2024 (plus further sessions to be added)
    Offer: use code NASHICS-MHC-24 for 100% discount for one person.

    Supporting People Living with Dementia - eLearning Offer

    This eLearning course seeks to help carers of older adults and people living with dementia to ensure the people in their care are treated with respect and dignity and that their individual needs are being understood and being met, all helping to prevent distress and improve quality of life.

    eLearning Course - more info

    Offer: use code NASHICS-SLD-24 for 100% discount for one person.

    Maybo's Risk Reduction Approach

    Maybo Training Models

    • Maybo's SAFER Approach

    • Maybo's POPS Model

    • Maybo's SEAL Test

    • Maybo's Open PALMS Model

    Contact the Maybo team

    Speak to one of our team members today to discover a training solution built around your needs