Study into the implementation of RRN training standards in mental health trusts announced

    Evaluation aims to ensure safe practice measures are in place

      • Sector News
    • 20.07.20

    The Restraint Reduction Network (RRN) has been awarded a grant from The Burdett Trust for Nursing to evaluate the implementation of the new RRN Training Standards in mental health trusts.

    Organisations delivering training on restrictive practices to NHS commissioned services for people with mental health conditions, learning disabilities or autism, are now contractually required to be certified against the standards.

    Professor Joy Duxbury, Chair of the RRN, said: “This is the first time there have been mandatory standards for training with a restrictive intervention component. It is critical that their application is evaluated so we know if they are effective in ensuring safe and proportionate use of restraint.”

    The research project is expected to take 12 months to complete.

    RRN: Burdett Trust award to fund an evaluation of the Training Standards

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